Saturday, May 10, 2008

In the Language of Atoms

"To man, man is holy." --- Seneca

In the language of Atoms, I am ubiquitous;
Indivisible, minute, unknowing of borders
Of Time and space and man’s abstractions.
I am particulate, the North of Abscissa
Congruent, Cartesian, the x determinate.
(Democritus should have been a poet,
ratherThan a philosopher, or a scientist, or Greek).

In the language of what matters are made,I
am the whispering behind clouds and dust,
The silence beyond sleepy hills, slumbering
Grasslands, green fertile by running streams.
I am the play of lights and colors at Sunsets.
(Aristotle was right: There is a Life
behind Things, and one need not fear).

In the language of Atoms, I am the First Mover.
Nothing is holier or viler than me.
I am Reason. And I celebrate Life.

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